Candan's lasts and firsts ... (published in Turkish already)
Candan’s last …
- word: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, 11 March 2006, ANKARA
- swim: Hisarönü / MARMARIS, June 2004
- residence: Portakal Çiçeği Sokak, 42/3 ÇANKAYA/ANKARA
- face-to-face conversation partner (excluding the parents and the medical personnel): Esin Boztaş (in her room at Hacettepe Hospital), 10 March 2006, ANKARA
- film go: Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire, November 2005, Armada, ANKARA
- dance performance: Connecticut College, December 2004, NEW LONDON/ABD
- ballet seen on stage: Don Quixote (Ankara State Opera and Ballet), May 2005, ANKARA
- day on soother: 1 March 1987, BURSA
- skiing: January 2004, Uludağ, BURSA
- soccer match watched in a stadium: Fenerbahçe-Çaykur Rizespor, January 2004, Şükrü Saraçoğlu Stadium, ISTANBUL (also the first)
- basketball game watched in a hall: Turkey - Lithuania, May 2003, Abdi İpekçi Arena, ISTANBUL
- cell phone message (to me): “Pepperidge farm soft baked chocolatechip cookie”, 28 January 2006, 12:38:23, ANKARA (about a cookie she wanted me to find – alas!)
Candan’s first …
- word: “Baba”, 28 February 1986, BURSA (meaning “father” – said to have uttered the word even before)
- swim: Karaincir Beach, 22 August 1986, BODRUM
- unassisted swim with a life vest: Gendarme Camp, 10 October 1986, SIDE
- residence: 35. Sokak, Ayduk Apartmanı, Daire:1 EMEK/ANKARA
- ballet lesson: Neriman Ballet Course, September 1989, BURSA
- ballet performance: Ahmet Vefik Paşa Tiyatrosu, as one of the chicks in “Ali Baba’s Farm”, June 1990, BURSA
-ballet seen on stage: The Nutcracker (Istanbul State Opera and Ballet), 1989, ISTANBUL
- sight of snow: 18 January 1986, BURSA
- voluntary balloon bursting: 18 January 1986, BURSA
- sling: 19 January 1986, KÜLTÜRPARK/BURSA
- tooth: Bottom right, 25 February 1986, BURSA
- unassisted steps holding furniture (for want of the exact word): 27 May 1986, BURSA
- unassisted, hands-off steps: Towards mum, 10 June 1986, BURSA
- walk around: 29 July 1986, BURSA
- going to the nursery: Özel Minik Kreş, 1 July 1986, BURSA
- stay outside home in the absence of parents: At the nursery teacher Emel Üskardeş’s, 4 June 1989, BURSA
- television programme recording: “Adam Olacak Çocuk”, 11 June 1989, Galatasaray High School, ISTANBUL
- serious illness: Fever and diarrhoea, 3 July 1986, BURSA
- travel abroad (and flight): To Helsinki, Finland under CISV programme, June 1996
- soccer match watched in a stadium: Fenerbahçe-Çaykur Rizespor, January 2004, Şükrü Saraçoğlu Stadium, ISTANBUL (also the last)
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