Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Smiling Beauty

Look at Candan with Brian and two other mates on a happy party day at Connecticut College. She called this "Semi-formal of Sophomore Year". She had finished her chemos with good results and did not yet know of the relapse. (The doctors in New London did not bother to run an early scan despite her complaints and gave rise to a delay of more than two months.)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Robyn Watkin

Dear Members, there was (and probably still is) a dance instructor named Robyn Watkin at Connecticut College. If anyone knows of her whereabouts and current e-mail address, please let me know. Thanks.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blog site address - Blog sitesi adresi

Dear Members, please use www.blogger.com to send posts.

Sayın Üyeler, lütfen gönderileriniz için www.blogger.com adresini kullanın.


Sevgili Yavrum, seni çok özlüyorum.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Going back to CC

Candan`s Blog Site
Candan, I took Soren back to Connecticut College on August 29th. It was raining when we pulled up in front of the Crow Student Center, and Soren got out and sprinted down the street to pick up his key.

I got out of the car and stood there in the rain and then I started crying so hard that I had to get back in the car. Honey, I missed you so much! I was thinking of how this should have been your senior year and how much your presence added to that college. When Soren came back, I put on a better face and tried to be upbeat, but later that night, when I talked to him on the phone, he told me that it had been great to see his old friends, but hard to be back where you two had been together. And then I told him how difficult it was for me. I don't think I'll ever go back to Conn without remembering how I met you on that first Parents Weekend and the times we shared together when Harvey and I came to visit you guys. I send lots of love to you, Candan!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bir rüya daha...

This time it is my cousin Meral Çelik's dream in her own words. Candan used to call her "Aunt".

" I am very ill lying in a hospital ward. Candan is on my bedside looking at me smiling. I am in incredible pain at that time. Suddenly the doctors come in. They want to take me somewhere for tests. With great difficulty I sit up, and try to put on my shoes under the bed. There is another pair beside mine: a pair of Converse shoes.

Anyway, in that haste I can not manage to get the shoes on my feet. I turn to Candan and say 'Candan, our shoes are side by side. I am very ill. Are you here by any chance to take me? Will I be the next in the family?'

Candan talks to me with that smile on her face again, but I can not recall what she says."

I had bought myself a pair of sports shoes on the day of the night I had this dream. What a coincidence thayt Candan's last wish from me was a pair of sports shoes. She was very happy when I gave her the present.


Bu kez kuzenim Meral Çelik'in rüyası kendi anlatımıyla... Candan, ona "Hala" diye hitap ederdi.

" Çok hastayım ve bir hastane odasında yatıyorum. O sırada Candan başucumda, gülümseyerek yüzüme bakıyor. Ben, inanılmaz derecede acı çekiyorum o sırada. Birden doktorlar içeri giriyorlar. Beni tahliller yapmak üzere bir yere götürmek istiyorlar. Yataktan doğruluyorum güç bela. Ayağıma yatağın altında duran ayakkabılarımı giymeye çalışıyorum. Benim ayakkabılarımın yanında bir çift ayakkabı daha var, o da Converse marka bir ayakkabı.

Ne ise ben acele ile ayakkabılarımı giyemiyorum. Candan'a dönüp diyorum ki: 'Candan, ayakkabılarımız da yanyana, ben çok hastayım, yoksa sen de beni almaya mı geldin?'

Candan benimle yine o gülümseyen yüzüyle konuşuyor, ama neler dediğini hatırlıyamıyorum."

Bu arada rüyayı gördüğüm gecenin gündüzünde kendime bir çift spor ayakkabı almıştım. Ne tesadüf ki Candan'ın da benden son isteği bir çift spor ayakkabı idi . Ona hediyesini verdiğim gün çok mutlu olmuştu.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Silence... - Sessizlik...

Are we at the end of the tunnel? Is that all you members have to contribute to Candan? Come on, shake up!

Tünelin sonuna mı geldik? Siz üyelerin Candan'a katkısı bundan mı ibaret? Haydi, silkinin biraz!